if the shoe fits


As the saying goes, "if the shoe fits, wear it" - but how do you really know if the shoe fits???

As a footwear designer, I learned a lot about how shoes are constructed and what makes them fit well.  barr + barr shoes always fit very well because the "toe box" was wide enough.  The toe box is the front part of your shoe (see our sketch below).  If it is not wide enough or high enough your toes will be squished.  

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When you try on a shoe, walk around the store in it for five minutes.  Not one minute, because almost anything can feel good for one minute.  Keep your shoe on and walk around in it for five minutes.  If it pinches anywhere, it does not fit, and over several hours of wearing will be painful.

Does your heel fit well into the back of your shoe?  It should not slip or wobble.  And, your shoe should not tilt you forward when you walk.  If you are trying on a pair of heels and they don't feel centered on your foot - it means that the heel is not positioned correctly.  A pair of heels that fit well will enable you to walk normally and balanced.

Ill fitting shoes will cause pain, injure your feet, and will not enhance your walk.  We have all seen women whose walk is not elegant.  

So... only buy the shoe if it fits, otherwise you will never wear it!